Friday, December 26, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss

Well, I did it. For the first time in my 45 years, I untangled a black, mysterious wire, and plugged in a "power supply" to my brand new computer. Only those of you who know me best can appreciate this. Unlike most 45 year olds in this country, I have comfortably been cruising beneath the "need to know how to use the computer" radar.

As I write this, my palms and fingertips sweat with anxiety as I secretly pray that I am not frying the delicate inerds of my new tool. I have been overcome with fear as I try to decide what the little red light in the upper left hand corner means. Isn't red bad? And the flashing green light next to it turns my stomach as I wonder what in the world I'm doing. As I manuver through this new territory I wonder how in the world I have gone so long not knowing what a "browser" actually is. (I'm still not entirely sure.)

I actually feel a little triumphant that no smoke is seeping from this little 11x8 inch, blue "notebook" that sits in my lap. And I have successfully dodged the first error message that said "Your browser's cookie functionality is disabled. Please enable JavaScript and cookies in order to use Blogger." Well, all new computer users know that a message like that can end up being a mysterious $50 a month charge to your credit card, so I handled it like the best of beginners. I clicked on the little orange square with a white X on it in the upper right hand corner, then started over, hoping the message would go away. It did. Success!

I'm sure most readers are wondering how I can function in today's world without knowing how to use a computer to its fullest potential, and the answer is easy. I have a brilliant software developer for a husband, and I have always enjoyed the "here comes my knight on a white horse" feeling whenever I can't get my e-mail to work. But I have a funny feeling he doesn't see it in quite the same romantic light as me. Who do you think gave me this computer?

So I'm off to read the user's manual knowing my damsel in distress on the computer days are nearing their end. And I look forward to finally knowing what a "cookie" really is.

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